This album contains 11 phenakistoscopes, designed by Someone. To watch them come to life with your own eyes, follow these steps and enjoy!
STEP 1: Download the ‘Owls Strobe Light by Someone’ app.
STEP 2: Place a single phenakistoscope on your turntable, set the speed to 45rpm.
STEP 3: Make sure your room is as dark as possible. Close your curtains, switch off all the lights. Works best at night.
STEP 4: Open the app, point your phone’s flashlight at the disc and let it spin. You can change the speed of the strobe via the slider in the app. This changes the direction of the animations!
App development by Thomas Lievestro, Wouter Janssen, Wouter Vroege & Darius Timmer.
Phenakistoscope designs and animations by Someone.
Read more about the story behind “Owls”, and read the lyrics: